Monday, March 4, 2013

Why I love America? I love me my Americans!

Dear America,

Why do I love you so much? You are the country of dreamers, land of the brave and fearless and home to the hippies.
You are the land of the free. Except a few things which don’t correspond so much what we think of as free in the old world: bars close at 2 am. Drinking in public is prohibited. Crossing the streets without doing so at a designated crosswalk makes it illegal. Public transport is limited; being able to move truly freely requires a care. Nudity is . . . well not so common. I remember being called out for changing at the beach, and I wasn’t even naked. I see people sitting in the sauna fully dressed. In Germany we go all out, we sit in the sauna naked. But we have nude beaches, too, so that’s another story.

So what happened to the free in the land of the free? It’s all about the Americans. I believe it’s about the American mentality more than about anything else, after all, people are what make places magic (yes, this is a shout-out to Hays, ‘merica). It’s the free spirited and positive American mindset which fascinates.
People I surround myself with here are like-minded and college-kids mostly. Which means they are educated, open-minded and curious about other cultures (maybe sometimes they like to drink a little bit a lot of alcohol, too). We listen to the same kind of music, we watch the same films, we all love to travel the world. We are of the same generation; we have a lot in common. In the end we all just want to make the most of life and see what’s out there, don’t we?

Have I ever met the - in Europe so prominent - cliché of the “stupid and ignorant American?“ Yes, I have. Do I try to avoid them? Yes, I do.

Despite all the current political issues the USA are dealing with, America remains the land of dreamers and go-getters. Want to become a rockstar? Go for it. Want to dye your hair pink? Cool, here I’ll give you a scholarship for being different. You have a really good idea? You’re the next Bill Gates. You’re from abroad and want to live here for a bit? Awesome, come on over, we love foreigners!

And that’s when all I can say is: Amuuuuurica, I love you! Because so far you have taught me nothing but to think positive, to choose faith over worry and that in the end, it is all going to be just fine. You and your people (my American friends!) make me feel special.

I have come to feel that Germany as well as Germans are quite appreciated here, not to say LOVED. I am not going to lie, of course I take advantage of being foreign. It’s all about enjoying “foreign girl status”. I probably experience something good related to me being foreign every day. It’s nice, let me tell ya.  
I once got accused of playing the “German card“ and yes, it’s convenient. Back in high school, I used to say “don’t judge me, I’m German,“ when I did something incredibly stupid or embarrassing (a consequence of the incredibly stupid action). As if being foreign was an excuse. It was and it is. Being foreign excuses a lot.

When in America it’s all about German-American clichés. It comes down to one question: “What kind of German are you?“ and it goes like this:
“Oh, you’re German: what’s your favorite beer and your favorite soccer team, how’s Oktoberfest?”
“Uhm, I don’t really like beer and I could care less about soccer! I also have never been to Oktoberfest, it’s really far from where I live.”
“Oh, well, what kind of German are you? And what do you mean by far? You live in a very small country”.
I am sorry for disappointing all German (beer and soccer) lovers for not proving the stereotype of the average German as depicted in Beerfest. As close as I come to these characters is my pronunciation of „ja“.

In the past I have heard some ridiculous ideas about European geography! But hey, did I not know where or what Cancun was when in high school: I did not! Does that make me a stupid German? Maybe.
We live in a big, big world. It’s okay not to know. However, of course, we Europeans are privileged to live in this quite crowded continent and have been learning about it from early on. Thus, it is not so surprising that we are more knowledgeable about our own Continent’s geography than some Americans.
I now know a lot more about America than when I was in high school, because I have been here longer now and traveled more. I used to believe Chicago was on the East Coast. I now know it is not.
Therefore, I don’t blame my Americans for adjusting the Netherland border a tad bit and placing Amsterdam in Germany. After all I am „deutsch“ and the „dutch“ are the people in the Netherlands. Oh it’s all quite close, in pronunciation as much as in location.

I am amazed by how welcoming and interested in foreign cultures the Americans that I have come to know, are.
From the ancient world’s viewpoint, the USA are perceived as ignorant, invading and foolish in regards to their politics, especially foreign policy.
However, what it comes down to is this: A country’s politics tells a different story than its people. And therefore, in the end, Germans love all things American: From TV Shows (Sex and the City, Grey’s Anatomy, Desperate Housewives) to celebrities (Kanye West, Jay-Z, Béyonce, Lady Gaga,) to fast food (Mc Donalds,Burger King, Subway) to ice cream (Ben and Jerry’s Cookie Dough) to clothes that bring the American Way of Life to elsewhere (Hollister, Abercrombie) to you-name-it, we love it all.

Story of my life & yours:
We all love you, you great Americans!


Moody Monday

It would be perfect. 

Show some love, I love you the same. 

Photobooth always saves the day.

Tattoo Craving.
Don't we all?

LA all day. Miss this city. 

 Something to look forward to: 3 2 1 MEEEECHIKO.

What kind of German are you? Und andere deutsch-amerikanische Klischees.

Warum bin ich so gerne in Amerika? Uhm FOREIGN GIRL STATUS!
Es ist schön, Deutsche in Amerika zu sein. Amerikaner mögen Deutschland und wissen viel über Deutschland. Viel bedeutet sie kennen mindestens ein paar Klischees: Bier, Fußball, Oktoberfest, Lederhosen, Hitler, schnelle Autos, Autobahn (inklusive Mythos „ohne jegliche Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzung“) und sowieso “good things made in Germany.”
Weiß hier ja keiner, dass man in Deutschland normalerweise nicht so stolz auf sein Land sein darf.

Weiß, ja auch keiner, dass nicht alle deutschen Klischees auf alle Deutschen zutreffen. Bekanntlich bin ich ja nicht der größte Fussballfan und deutsches Bier ist auch nicht mein Lieblingsgetränk, deswegen heisst es hier dann oft:
“Oh, you’re German: what’s your favorite beer and your favorite soccer team, how’s Oktoberfest?”
“Uhm, I don’t really like beer and I could care less about soccer! I also have never been to Oktoberfest, it’s really far from where I live.”
“Oh, well, what kind of German are you? And what do you mean by far? You live in a very small country”.
Auf deutsch:
„Oh, du kommst aus Deutschland: welches Bier trinkst du am liebsten und wer ist deine Lieblingsfußballmannschaft? Und wie ist’s denn auf dem Oktoberfest?“
„Uhm, ich mag Bier gar nicht so gerne und Fußball interessiert mich auch nicht so. Und das Oktoberfest ist in München, ziemlich weit weg, da war ich noch nie.“
„Oh, na was bist du denn dann für ne Deutsche? Und was meinst du, das ist weit weg, Deutschland ist doch klein!“

Es tut mir leid, Deutschland, ich repräsentiere dich hier ansonsten wirklich angemessen, aber halt eher so mädchenmäßig.
Aber was ich eigentlich sagen wollte: es ist in Amerika von besonderem Vorteil, wenn man aus Europa kommt. Menschen, die eine Sprache  mit Akzent sprechen sind sicherlich in jedem Land irgendwie beliebt und wecken Interesse, aber in Amerika ist dieses Phänomen extrem ausgeprägt. Ich weiß nicht, ob es noch ein Land gibt, in dem Menschen so auf fremde Kulturen abfahren wie hier in den USA.
Jeder Amerikaner ist mindestens ein Viertel, oder ein Achtel oder vielleicht auch nur ein sechzehntel irgendwas: Irisch, Indianisch, Italienisch, Französisch, Skandinavisch, Deutsch... Die Liste ist lang. Manchmal sind sie auch einfach gerade dass, was am besten zu der Person passt, mit der sie gerade sprechen. Das hört sich dann ein bisschen so an: „Du liebst Spanien? Ich habe auch spanische Wurzeln: Meine Urururgroßeltern waren Spanier!“
Da hat man dann schon mal schnell was gemeinsam.
Deutsch sein in Amerika hilft auf jeden Fall in allen Lebenslagen. Sprachfehler werden sofort verziehen, der „schöne deutsche Akzent“ (argggggggh) ist immer ein Gesprächsthema, genauso wie die Email Endung „.de“. „Steht das für Denmark?“ „Nee „de“, wie Germany.“ Ist doch kristallklar. Nee natürlich nicht.

 Ein großes Problem ist ja auch der Unterschied zwischen „dutch“ für niederländisch und „deutsch“ für deutsch. Es ist nämlich bekannt, das Germany Deutschland ist und es könnte dann ja auch Dutchland sein. Und ich gebe zu, auf Englisch hört sich das auch wirklich ähnlich an. Wo wir schon gerade beim Thema sind: Amsterdam wird oftmals auch kurz über die Niederländische Grenze gerückt, man hört dann so Aussagen wie: Oh ja, ich war schon mal in Deutschland, hab ne Rundreise gemacht: Berlin, München, Amsterdam....“ Es ist dann immer nicht so ganz klar, ob sich derjenige über die geografische Lage Amsterdams bewusst ist und es einfach nur nicht erwähnt, weil’s ja so nah ist, oder ob angenommen wird, es läge tatsächlich in Deutschland. Ich nehme es Ihnen nicht übel, als ich klein war wusste ich auch nicht wo oder was Cancun ist. Man kann ja nicht alles wissen.

In jedem Fall ist es schön, ab und zu auch mal die „German Card“ zu spielen, in dem man sich einfach blöd stellt und seine Herkunft als Ausrede für dumme Taten, Entscheidungen oder Unwissen nutzt. Klappt gut. Fehler werden einem so sofort verziehe und sympathiepunkte schnell wieder hergestellt. Don’t judge me, I’m from Germany.
Gotta love the foreign girl bonus, story of my life!!!


Saturday, March 2, 2013

Saturday Quote-Me-Day

It's been a stressful week, all I can say is: 

 Choose faith over worry.

 Girls on Girls.

Go chase your dreams!

Be GRATEFUL and good thinks will come to you!

 Find your purpose, find your passion.


And finally: one of the best lessons I've learned about life.


Being friends with boys, big deal, or no big deal? Story of my life.
I am sure many of you have seen this video about why women and men cannot be friends. If you haven't, watch the video before you read on.

I don't find the reactions in the video surprising, especially, because I can count myself to the number of girls who contradict themselves by believing it is a problem if their boyfriend had a best (or any) woman friend (besides their girlfriend), however the girls themselves do not see having a guy friends (while in a relationship or at any time really) as an issue.
What it boils down to is: women and men are different. No big news. In my opinion the only reason for relationships between girls and boys not working out are the boys. On youtube, many comments posted by boys claim that the reason women react different to the question in this video is because they are in denial. And because boys are being the good people they are by being honest, whereas women are being women and being shallow or contradictory. Oh thank you.

What this tells me is: yes, there might be a low percentage of girls who seek boys as "friends" because they want to be more than friends. In general, however, girls simply believe that the guys they are friends with are absolutely okay with being friends. Why else would they be friends?
And let me tell you boys of this world, girls love being friends with boys because it is so much easier than dealing with girls. If I enter a room with a group of people who I don't know and it's boys and girls, I will always choose to talk to the boys first. They just seem more trustworthy than girls. Boys don't judge you based on your appearance and they tell you the truth in your face and if you don't like it you can just walk away and you'll still be friends. If they don't like you they would probably not start a conversation with you in the firs place.

Girls, on the other hand judge you from the moment you enter the room and they will talk to you no matter if they like you or not. They have a motive: they want to find out about whether you are competition for them or not. It doesn't matter what kind of competition, it's enough to just be another girl. And yes, I think like that myself. Oh there's another girl: I like her clothes, is she cooler than me? Oh she has a really good body, does she look better than me? She's really pretty, I hate her.
Betsey Johnson says: "Girls don't dress for boys; they dress for themselves&each other. If girls dressed for boys, they'd walk around naked."
So true, and it shows, once again, the competitive nature of girls: Girls dress themselves to out-dress other girls. Girls lives their lives in fear of not being as good, as pretty, as adorable, as successful, as cool, as whatever, as other girls. Girls are competition unless they are your best friends. Period.

So dear boys of the world, the answer to the question is this: you don't need to have women friends in your life, because your own guy friends are probably the shit anyways. Let us have our guy friends so we can live in the boy world every once in a while and keep ourselves sane. After all: Boys are the easiest people to be around, unless they are in love with you. So if they are, they wouldn't be your friends, right? Because that would be contradictory and that just wouldn't be guy like. So if a girl wants to be friends with you (a boy) but you want to be more than friends: speak up mister, or walk away. Because, yes, chances are: she REALLY likes you as more than a friend and just hasn't told you because she's not sure what you think. Or she really just wants to be friends in which case you will never become more.

What do you think? After all it's the story of my life&yours. How do you like my stand on this? Totally naive or absolutely true?